I went out Treasure Hunting the other week with a girl from my Church who had only been out Treasure Hunting once before, she was really excited and keen to have a go. It is always exciting doing it with some for the first time as you can see the amazement on their faces when they find that they have really heard from God and how he has orchestrated for all the clues to come together. To begin with it was very slow and nobody wanted to stop to talk, we even resorted to talking to the man holding up the Subway sign as he was a bit of a captive audience and we did have a good conversation with him. One of the clues my friend had was Yellow, not a yellow anything specific but I have found with colour clues like that you definitely know when you find them! As soon as we started out we saw a lady in the brightest yellow coat and debated as to wether to talk to her but we decided maybe not, little did we know, more about that later! We went down Ghandi Street and there were three work men in bright yellow High Visibility jackets surrounded by bright yellow barriers - never have I seen a yellower scene! But however much we tried to be brave to approach these men, we just couldnt find it in ourselves - what put me off was that one of them looked very official and looked like their boss and I really didnt want to stop them working when their boss was there! So despite passing them 3 times in the vain hope of being brave, we bottled it each time. Its a good job that with our Father God that we have a billion chances!
So we went on looking, we were coming back through Princesshay and there in front of us was the same lady we had initially seen - there was no mistaking the yellow coat! So we stopped her and she was lovely and looked at our clues. Lots of the names meant something to her, Hilary was her Sister In Law, Adam was her Nephew and Fiona was her Niece. We had the clues of Knees and hips and she had athritus in both of them but her knees were the worst and most painful. We offered to pray and she accepted and she was amazed and there was a big improvement in the pain, we prayed again and it improved again but not gone completely. She then asked us about our Church and we told her where we met and she was amazed as she knew a couple who went there and they were her neighbours. We asked who they were and she said Jon and Fi - I was blown away as not only did we know them but also that Fi/Fiona had been a clue! It is such a small world when God is involved!